What goes up must come down. And then go up again. Then come down again. And on and on and.
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What goes up must come down. And then go up again. Then come down again. And on and on and.
BTC’s sell-off is easing slightly, but traders are afraid that negative newsflow and future U.S. interest rate hikes could push.
Another wave of selling hit BTC and sent its price to lows not seen since December 2020. Does on-chain data.
The seven filings also suggested ASU could be exploring the use of nonfungible tokens to authenticate many documents from diplomas.
Not even popular art collectibles could survive the wrath of the market downturn.
Senators confirmed that Bitcoin and Ether will be classified as commodities and regulated by the CFTC.
Bitcoin and altcoins are seeing heavy selling as June 13’s massive unwinding could be the final capitulation-level event before the.
Data points to capital flight among most major DeFi protocols.
Many social media users seem to be waiting for other crypto exchanges, including Coinbase and Kraken, to follow in Binance’s.
Is it time to be greedy? Experienced market makers and arbitrage desks have turned strongly risk-averse as BTC price dropped.
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